Sunday Times (Sun 26, 1927)
One read with interest in the "Sunday Times" last week the account
of a family living in Surry Hills of which the father, his son (aged 10) and two girls of 6 and 3, respectively, are each endowed with a bone-fide tail, that of the parent being five inches long, and waggable.
先週のSunday TimesではあるSurry Hills に住む父親、息子(10歳)、そして6歳と3歳の少女2人にシッポが生えている家庭について取り上げた。父親のシッポは5インチ(12.7センチメートル)あり、動かすことができる。
There is no doubt that there are a large number of human beings
in this wonderful world of ours, who are provided by indulgent Nature with caudal appendages, but the possession is kept a close secret, and dies with the owner — mainly, of course, owing to the fear of ridicule.
AND it must be confessed that a feature of this description, if one may so term a tail, is a difficult adornment for a so-called 'lord of creation' to carry with dignity.
そしてこのシッポはいわゆる創造主(訳者注 キリスト教における神のことか?)の尊厳を維持するには難しい飾りである言わざるを得ない。
It is a strange fact, but a fact, nevertheless, that on the continent of
Europe during the middle ages, a very general belief prevailed that all Englishmen had tails.
References in foreign medieval satire to the tailed Englishman are very common, "for tailles all Englishe kinde is blamed," says Mannyng.
The story probably originated from some old legends, one of which is to the effect that Saint Augustine having gone to Strood, in Kent, to preach the Gospel to the heathen inhabitants of the town, those very conservative people resented the intrusion, and attacked the saint and his party with all kinds of missiles, particularly the tails and offal of fish.
この話はおそらくSt. Augustineがその地に住むキリスト教信仰を持たない原住民に聖歌隊に説教するためKentにあるStroodを訪れた際の古い伝説に起源をもつ。この原住民は保守的でSt. Augustineによる侵入を歓迎せず、聖者とお供を様々な武器を、特に魚のシッポや内臓を、ぶつけて襲った。
Thereupon the missionary prayed for a Divine judgment upon the idolators, his prayer being answered by the bestowal upon every child which should thenceforward be born in the town, of 'a shameful token' in the shape of a tail.
The legend goes on to say that immediately before expecting additions to their families, the ladies of Strood were in the habit of crossing the river to a neighboring town, thus avoiding the curse.
Besides Strood, or Stroud, Rochester, and Came, in Dorsetshire, have been cited as the scenes of the unfortunate event. In one instance, the curse is said to have fallen on the unhappy town because the inhabitants behaved very rudely to Saint Thomas a'Beckett when he was passing through their streets, and went so far as to cut off the tail of his mule.
Stroodの女性はこの呪いを避けるため家族に被害が及ぶ直前に川を渡り近隣の町へ移動した。Strood, (Stroud)、Rochester、そしてDorsetshireのCameではこの不幸な出来事が目撃された。ある案件ではこの呪いは原住民がSaint Thomas a'Beckettがこれらの町の道を通ったときにSaint Thomas a'Beckettのロバのシッポを切り落とすという大変失礼な言動をしたためこれらの不運な町ににかけられたものとされている。
that among these islands is one islet where the folks are born with tails, but short, such as the tail of a stag, or some like beast.' John Bale, a very zealous Protestant reformer in the days of Edward VI., was very angry concerning these monkish' legends, for he says: "An Englishman can not now travayle in another land by way of merchandise, or any other honest occupation, but it is most contumeliously thrown in his teeth that all Englishmen
have tayles."
Edward VI世の時代の熱心なプロテスタント改革者であるJohn Baleはこれらの猿地味た伝説に怒りを覚えた。彼はこういったという。
Old legends and superstitions die hard, and this one would be no exception, more especially because every now and then some genuine examples of tailed men would be made public.
Jan Struys, a Dutch traveller, who visited Formosa, in 1677, gives us a graphic description of a native of that island, a savage creature, "with a tail more than a foot long, covered with red hair like that of a cow." Struys was assured that all the inhabitants of the south side
of the island were provided with like appendages.
1677年にフォルモサを訪れたオランダ人旅行家Jan Struysは荒々しい先住民について「1フット以上(30.48センチメートル)以上の赤い毛で覆われた牛のようなシッポがある」と述べている。Struysは島の南部の居住者が全員同じような突起物を持つと確信させられた。
William Richardson, a warrant officer in the Royal Navy from 1793 to 1819, on one occasion jumped, overboard to rescue a seaman who had fallen into the water.
1793年から1819年まで王立海軍の准尉であったWilliam Richardsonは落ちてしまった水兵を助けるため船外に飛び込んだことがあった。
The drowning man managed to clutch his' would-be rescuer round the neck with such a deadly grip that in a minute or so both would have gone down together, had not a boat luckily arrived and picked
them up. Richardson says of this adventure:
To mend the matter, when we got on board, I did not receive the least pity, for the man I had saved had a tail the size of a short pipe-stem, and an old boatsman's mate swore that it was no wonder the man fell overboard.
船に戻ると、誰もねぎらってくれなかった。俺が助けた男には短いパイプステムぐらいのシッポが生えていたからだ。甲板長の仲間はこの男が船外に落ちたのは不思議でないといった(訳者注 なぜだろう?)。
"Only look at his tail," said he. "Was it not enough to drag him overboard?" and set them all a-laughing.
「こいつのシッポみてみろよ」彼は言った。「船外に引きずり出すだけじゃダメだったのか?」そこにいたものは全員笑った(訳者注 なんだか物騒で残酷なこと言ってないか?)。
death by drowning, and commanded a ready sale at a high price.
この案件ではシッポの所有は不幸なことだった。当時から水兵は大網膜(胎児が時々頭にかぶって出てくる羊膜の一部; 昔これを水難よけのお守りとした)を船の破損や溺死から守ってくれるお守りとして扱い、高額で取引された。(訳者注 あれ、これは前の話の続き? 変なところにタイトルが入っている)
An old Devonshire clergyman, who died recently, recalls the idea, so general in Devonshire in his young days, that all Cornishmen had tails.
This belief he firmly held as a child, on the authority of his old nurse, and he describes the very diplomatic way in which he broached the delicate subject to a great friend of his, an old Cornishman, and a bookseller — who was greatly scandalised at the suggestion.
彼は子供のころ乳母に聞かされこれを信じ、このことをデリケートに彼の古くからの友人の書店主であるコーンウォール人男性に失礼のないように切り出したという - 友人は大変あきれたそうであるが。
Being convinced that his friend no longer possessed a tail, the child discussed the question with the old nurse, and they came to the excellent conclusion that, having been engaged in a sedentary occupation for a great part of his life, the bookseller must have
gradually rubbed away his tail.
M. de Castlenau, a great traveller, and afterwards French Consul in Melbourne describe an expedition to Central Africa in 1851, during which some Haussas attacked and massacred a number of natives of the Niam-Niam tribe. On examining the dead bodies of the latter,
it was found that every one of them, some women included, possessed a tail.
偉大な旅行家で後にオーストラリアのメルボルンにあるフランス領事になったde Castlenau氏は先住民族Haussas族が多くの別の先住民族Niam-Niam族を攻撃し虐殺した1851年の中央アフリカでの旅行について述べている。Niam-Niam族の遺体を調べると女性も含めた全員にシッポが生えていたことがわかった。
These appendages averaged 16 inches long, and a little more than an inch in diameter at the base, and were quite smooth and hairless.
In the same year, a German doctor in Constantinople, found in the slave market there a woman for sale. She belonged to the above mentioned Niam Niam tribe, and had a tail two inches long.
Owing to her savageness and fondness for human flesh, the slave dealer who owned her had great difficulty in disposing of her, it being considered unsafe to employ her anywhere in the neighborhood of young children, whom she would have attacked.
About 1857, a child was born at New-Castlc-on-Tyne with a tail about an inch and a quarter long, and, when pleased, he gave expression to his feelings by wagging it.
I have mislaid a few more modern in stances of tailed mankind, but these, which have been given, will serve to show that a tail is not so rare a human possession as is generally supposed.
According to a legend of one of the tribes of North America, when the world was young, there were no women, and all the men had tails; beautiful, long, glossy tails, of which they were inordinately proud, and used to take great care of. These gay bachelors appear to have enjoyed themselves for a time, after a fashion, but grow quarrelsome, and finally indulged in war and Strife; entirely forgetting Manitou, the great spirit, who, in order to teach them humility, found it necessary to take away their tails — of these 'dejecta membra' he fashioned women, who still retain traces of their origin, "for we find them over trailing after the men, frisky and impulsive," so says the legend.
北アメリカのある種族の伝承によると、世界がまだ幼かったころ、女性は存在せず、男性はすべて長く美しく光沢を放つシッポを生やしており、以上に誇りにして大切にしていた(訳者注 最高の世界だ!)。これらのゲイ(訳者注 この記事がかかれた時代では「同性愛者」という意味合いよりも「陽気」という意味合いの方が強いと思われるが、「同性愛者」の方が面白いと思う)独身男性は一時は楽しく過ごしていたが、偉大なマニトゥ精神を忘れ、流行が過ぎると喧嘩っ早くなり、争いに明け暮れるようになった。マニトゥはこの男性たちに「恥」を教えるため、彼らのシッポを取り上げる必要があると考えた。マニトゥはシッポを失った者から現在でもその起源を保つ女性を創造した。伝説によると「女性は元気で衝動的な男性を追いかけるものである」としている。
訳者注 最後の話はCurious Myths of the Middle Ages/Tailed MenのTraditions of the North American Indiansからの引用のようである。この北アメリカの先住民族はKickapoo民族のようである。
Historic Legends Support
Surry Hills Discovery
歴史的伝承がSurry Hillsにおける発見を裏付ける
Flinders Barr著
of a family living in Surry Hills of which the father, his son (aged 10) and two girls of 6 and 3, respectively, are each endowed with a bone-fide tail, that of the parent being five inches long, and waggable.
先週のSunday TimesではあるSurry Hills に住む父親、息子(10歳)、そして6歳と3歳の少女2人にシッポが生えている家庭について取り上げた。父親のシッポは5インチ(12.7センチメートル)あり、動かすことができる。
There is no doubt that there are a large number of human beings
in this wonderful world of ours, who are provided by indulgent Nature with caudal appendages, but the possession is kept a close secret, and dies with the owner — mainly, of course, owing to the fear of ridicule.
AND it must be confessed that a feature of this description, if one may so term a tail, is a difficult adornment for a so-called 'lord of creation' to carry with dignity.
そしてこのシッポはいわゆる創造主(訳者注 キリスト教における神のことか?)の尊厳を維持するには難しい飾りである言わざるを得ない。
It is a strange fact, but a fact, nevertheless, that on the continent of
Europe during the middle ages, a very general belief prevailed that all Englishmen had tails.
References in foreign medieval satire to the tailed Englishman are very common, "for tailles all Englishe kinde is blamed," says Mannyng.
The story probably originated from some old legends, one of which is to the effect that Saint Augustine having gone to Strood, in Kent, to preach the Gospel to the heathen inhabitants of the town, those very conservative people resented the intrusion, and attacked the saint and his party with all kinds of missiles, particularly the tails and offal of fish.
この話はおそらくSt. Augustineがその地に住むキリスト教信仰を持たない原住民に聖歌隊に説教するためKentにあるStroodを訪れた際の古い伝説に起源をもつ。この原住民は保守的でSt. Augustineによる侵入を歓迎せず、聖者とお供を様々な武器を、特に魚のシッポや内臓を、ぶつけて襲った。
Thereupon the missionary prayed for a Divine judgment upon the idolators, his prayer being answered by the bestowal upon every child which should thenceforward be born in the town, of 'a shameful token' in the shape of a tail.
The legend goes on to say that immediately before expecting additions to their families, the ladies of Strood were in the habit of crossing the river to a neighboring town, thus avoiding the curse.
Besides Strood, or Stroud, Rochester, and Came, in Dorsetshire, have been cited as the scenes of the unfortunate event. In one instance, the curse is said to have fallen on the unhappy town because the inhabitants behaved very rudely to Saint Thomas a'Beckett when he was passing through their streets, and went so far as to cut off the tail of his mule.
Stroodの女性はこの呪いを避けるため家族に被害が及ぶ直前に川を渡り近隣の町へ移動した。Strood, (Stroud)、Rochester、そしてDorsetshireのCameではこの不幸な出来事が目撃された。ある案件ではこの呪いは原住民がSaint Thomas a'Beckettがこれらの町の道を通ったときにSaint Thomas a'Beckettのロバのシッポを切り落とすという大変失礼な言動をしたためこれらの不運な町ににかけられたものとされている。
Describing the British islands in the medieval period, an Italian writer says: 'It was a strange thing to hear, and all bear it out as true, wherefore it bohoveth me to set it down even as I heard it —古い伝説
that among these islands is one islet where the folks are born with tails, but short, such as the tail of a stag, or some like beast.' John Bale, a very zealous Protestant reformer in the days of Edward VI., was very angry concerning these monkish' legends, for he says: "An Englishman can not now travayle in another land by way of merchandise, or any other honest occupation, but it is most contumeliously thrown in his teeth that all Englishmen
have tayles."
Edward VI世の時代の熱心なプロテスタント改革者であるJohn Baleはこれらの猿地味た伝説に怒りを覚えた。彼はこういったという。
Old legends and superstitions die hard, and this one would be no exception, more especially because every now and then some genuine examples of tailed men would be made public.
Jan Struys, a Dutch traveller, who visited Formosa, in 1677, gives us a graphic description of a native of that island, a savage creature, "with a tail more than a foot long, covered with red hair like that of a cow." Struys was assured that all the inhabitants of the south side
of the island were provided with like appendages.
1677年にフォルモサを訪れたオランダ人旅行家Jan Struysは荒々しい先住民について「1フット以上(30.48センチメートル)以上の赤い毛で覆われた牛のようなシッポがある」と述べている。Struysは島の南部の居住者が全員同じような突起物を持つと確信させられた。
William Richardson, a warrant officer in the Royal Navy from 1793 to 1819, on one occasion jumped, overboard to rescue a seaman who had fallen into the water.
1793年から1819年まで王立海軍の准尉であったWilliam Richardsonは落ちてしまった水兵を助けるため船外に飛び込んだことがあった。
The drowning man managed to clutch his' would-be rescuer round the neck with such a deadly grip that in a minute or so both would have gone down together, had not a boat luckily arrived and picked
them up. Richardson says of this adventure:
To mend the matter, when we got on board, I did not receive the least pity, for the man I had saved had a tail the size of a short pipe-stem, and an old boatsman's mate swore that it was no wonder the man fell overboard.
船に戻ると、誰もねぎらってくれなかった。俺が助けた男には短いパイプステムぐらいのシッポが生えていたからだ。甲板長の仲間はこの男が船外に落ちたのは不思議でないといった(訳者注 なぜだろう?)。
"Only look at his tail," said he. "Was it not enough to drag him overboard?" and set them all a-laughing.
「こいつのシッポみてみろよ」彼は言った。「船外に引きずり出すだけじゃダメだったのか?」そこにいたものは全員笑った(訳者注 なんだか物騒で残酷なこと言ってないか?)。
In this instance, the tail was held to be an unlucky possession; whereas a child's caul was considered by the seamen of those days, and long afterwards, as a sure safeguard against shipwreck orシッポが凶事・不幸をもたらす
death by drowning, and commanded a ready sale at a high price.
この案件ではシッポの所有は不幸なことだった。当時から水兵は大網膜(胎児が時々頭にかぶって出てくる羊膜の一部; 昔これを水難よけのお守りとした)を船の破損や溺死から守ってくれるお守りとして扱い、高額で取引された。(訳者注 あれ、これは前の話の続き? 変なところにタイトルが入っている)
An old Devonshire clergyman, who died recently, recalls the idea, so general in Devonshire in his young days, that all Cornishmen had tails.
This belief he firmly held as a child, on the authority of his old nurse, and he describes the very diplomatic way in which he broached the delicate subject to a great friend of his, an old Cornishman, and a bookseller — who was greatly scandalised at the suggestion.
彼は子供のころ乳母に聞かされこれを信じ、このことをデリケートに彼の古くからの友人の書店主であるコーンウォール人男性に失礼のないように切り出したという - 友人は大変あきれたそうであるが。
Being convinced that his friend no longer possessed a tail, the child discussed the question with the old nurse, and they came to the excellent conclusion that, having been engaged in a sedentary occupation for a great part of his life, the bookseller must have
gradually rubbed away his tail.
it was found that every one of them, some women included, possessed a tail.
偉大な旅行家で後にオーストラリアのメルボルンにあるフランス領事になったde Castlenau氏は先住民族Haussas族が多くの別の先住民族Niam-Niam族を攻撃し虐殺した1851年の中央アフリカでの旅行について述べている。Niam-Niam族の遺体を調べると女性も含めた全員にシッポが生えていたことがわかった。
These appendages averaged 16 inches long, and a little more than an inch in diameter at the base, and were quite smooth and hairless.
In the same year, a German doctor in Constantinople, found in the slave market there a woman for sale. She belonged to the above mentioned Niam Niam tribe, and had a tail two inches long.
Owing to her savageness and fondness for human flesh, the slave dealer who owned her had great difficulty in disposing of her, it being considered unsafe to employ her anywhere in the neighborhood of young children, whom she would have attacked.
I have mislaid a few more modern in stances of tailed mankind, but these, which have been given, will serve to show that a tail is not so rare a human possession as is generally supposed.
According to a legend of one of the tribes of North America, when the world was young, there were no women, and all the men had tails; beautiful, long, glossy tails, of which they were inordinately proud, and used to take great care of. These gay bachelors appear to have enjoyed themselves for a time, after a fashion, but grow quarrelsome, and finally indulged in war and Strife; entirely forgetting Manitou, the great spirit, who, in order to teach them humility, found it necessary to take away their tails — of these 'dejecta membra' he fashioned women, who still retain traces of their origin, "for we find them over trailing after the men, frisky and impulsive," so says the legend.
北アメリカのある種族の伝承によると、世界がまだ幼かったころ、女性は存在せず、男性はすべて長く美しく光沢を放つシッポを生やしており、以上に誇りにして大切にしていた(訳者注 最高の世界だ!)。これらのゲイ(訳者注 この記事がかかれた時代では「同性愛者」という意味合いよりも「陽気」という意味合いの方が強いと思われるが、「同性愛者」の方が面白いと思う)独身男性は一時は楽しく過ごしていたが、偉大なマニトゥ精神を忘れ、流行が過ぎると喧嘩っ早くなり、争いに明け暮れるようになった。マニトゥはこの男性たちに「恥」を教えるため、彼らのシッポを取り上げる必要があると考えた。マニトゥはシッポを失った者から現在でもその起源を保つ女性を創造した。伝説によると「女性は元気で衝動的な男性を追いかけるものである」としている。
訳者注 最後の話はCurious Myths of the Middle Ages/Tailed MenのTraditions of the North American Indiansからの引用のようである。この北アメリカの先住民族はKickapoo民族のようである。